The entire exhibit was fascinating.
Before you entered the exhibit, you were given a card that gave you an identity of an actual person who was on the Titanic and it was also your "boarding pass." I was Mrs. Isidor Straus. Me and my husband owned Macy's Department Store in New York. On the boarding pass was the room number you stayed in and who you were accompanied on the ship by.
Some of the things they were able to bring up from the ship are amazing. They had dishes and tables and tubs and earrings and even money and stamps.
Having the time and the ability to see the exhibit threw me into shock. This was not just a well made film. People lived and died. The woman my boarding pass said I was died in the accident. Many of the first class passengers were able to make it to safety via one of the lifeboats, but many of the 3rd class and crew members were not so lucky.
That Friday everything became a bit more real to me. I saw the artefacts. I read quotes of passengers from the ship. And I touched the Titanic.
Yes, you read that right . . .
I touched the Titanic. Yes, it was just a piece of the metal that built the ship, but I still touched it.
I wish I could have taken a piece of the ship with me, but I think I'd probably get into a bit of trouble for stealing a part of an exhibit . . . for the Titanic. I really wanted a cup and saucer and this beautiful and simple Union Jack pin.
I have since watched the film again and made quite a few references to the film in the past few weeks, but I know that experience of touching the ship and seeing the artefacts will last with me forever.
One thing that will not last with me forever is my fear of driving.
I am almost 20.5 years old and I only have my driving permit. I have been driving for the past couple of weeks and it scares me to death. I have made it past the parking lot to subdivisions. I have to renew my permit this week . . . because I got my first one in January, assuming I would drive some this past semester (which never happened). So now I have to get a new one this week so I can continue on my endeavour and learn to drive (and get my license by the fall).
So, here is to learning and loving & remembering the past and embracing change.